Wednesday, March 09, 2005
sooner or later, I am going to wake up from my nightmares with cold sweat all over my face
this is just still the same night, it's just way too quick of a summer-y night for me
the air is too warm
the temperature is too high
I could almost see all those air molecules mating like crazy with each other in the air
it made me bitter as heck
all these suave tender sweet nighty moments are just disgusting, at this point
death as a fact itself rather than anything else, becomes the purest form of beauty
Poet says with her maggots at 12:27 AM
Sunday, March 06, 2005
tell me, from late October '04 untill March '05, when is my Vivienne Westwood solid orb ring going to arrive?
Poet says with her maggots at 8:41 PM